Hope Family Village Achieves 501(c)3 Status

Welcome to Hope Family Village.

Hope Family Village is a community-centric collaborative, offering acceptance, housing, and sustainable support for people with mental health conditions and their families.  

Our first project, and an original reason for our creation: Develop an inclusive village, where 25 caregiving families and their loved ones. who endure serious mental illness, live on 25 acres. We imagine a center, a Common House, to congregate, meet, cook and share meals, recreate, otherwise care and support one another.

We imagine a pedestrian community, where neighbors look after neighbors. We imagine designing different types of living arrangements, dwelling units, from single family homes to small individual units. We imagine the inclusion of at least one Fairweather Lodge, within our community, for residents in recovery, living autonomously, with light coaching. We seek partnerships with the best organizations in healthcare, energy conservation, architecture, and development.

We have requested the set-aside of 50 acres, on a longterm renewable lease, from the Commonwealth of Virginia at Eastern State, neighboring Eastern State Hospital, to consider a first and second project.

Today, we have achieved an important milestone in our process, have an important announcement to make, and will be making more in the days ahead.

On October 23, 2017, the Internal Revenue Service determined Hope Family Village Corporation (Commonwealth of Virginia) was exempt from federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code 501(c)3.

According to the correspondence, our organization is qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devices, transfers or gifts under sections 2055, 2106, or 2522.

The effective date of our exemption is June 14, 2017.

According to the IRS, we are classified as a public charity (170(b)(1)(A)()vi)

Our current officers are: W. Corey Trench, President (email: wctrench@gmail.com), Allen Whitehead, Secretary and Carmen Andreoli, Treasurer.

If you want to correspond with us by mail or support our mission, in some way, our address is: PO Box 982, Williamsburg, Virginia 23187.