Agenda: 37th Annual Fairweather Lodge Conference (September 15 – 17, 2021). Hosted by Hope Family Village.

College students are returning to campus. Soon local schools will open. While we have seen a steady stream of tourists throughout Williamsburg this summer, we cannot know about the behavior of SARS-COV-2 (and Covid-19), nor the decision making of associated governments and businesses as we enter fall.

We had assumed this. Decided to prepare a hybrid event for both an in-person and online participation. Hope Family Village retained Audiocraft to both stream and video record the event. Zoom is our platform. We will make sessions available online for those unable to attend. (Only the award ceremony may not be recorded.)

Our conference theme is: “It’s all about the community.” If you have read my earlier blog posts, you know that Hope Family Village is all about creating community. Mental health care comes down to each community in America. Our families, our neighbors, our people.

Fairweather Lodges are integral to their neighborhoods and their communities. George Fairweather himself felt very strongly that the peers who lived in lodges should have a place to live autonomously, have opportunities to work and volunteer, have rights, and be free to participate in society as citizens.

Our agenda offers a blend of contributions being made to our communities and society. I will be posting further about each session, the panel members, and speakers up until the the conference. We hope you are able to participate. (To register got here and scroll down.)




351 York Street,


Wednesday, September 15, 2021

 Registration and Evening Reception

3:30 – 6 PM

Participants Register at the Hotel

6:30 PM -8 PM

Reception at The Williamsburg Fairweather Lodge

Hosted by Hope Family Village, Our Lodge Member Families, and others.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

7:30 – 8:45 Buffet Breakfast

Welcome, Conference Opening

Speaker: Christina Westenberger, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

The Story of the Eastern State Hospital: Mental Health Care in the 18th Century


9 am – 10:15 am  

Workshop: Creating Community to Address Mental Health Care

Moderator, Graham Henshaw, Executive Director, W&M Center for Entrepreneurship

Panel Members:Directors from Hope Family Village


10:30 am – 11:45 am 

Workshop: Fairweather Lodge: A Short Course; Followed by Panel Session

Moderator: John Trepp, CCL Chairman Emeritus, The Coalition for Community Living

Panel Members: Ashley Trepp, Tasks Unlimited, Brendan Bayer, Former Lodge Member Bill McHenry, CCL Chair, Lodge Coordinator New Visions, Lodge Members, Others


12:00 pm  – 1:30 pm  AWARDS BANQUET

Award Ceremony, Master of Ceremonies, John Trepp

2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Workshop: Establishing a Trauma Informed Community Network

Moderator: Marsha Obremski, Colonial Behavioral Health

Panel Members: Rebecca Vinroot, Director James City County Social Services; Carla Javier, Director of Children’s Services at CDR; Fred Liggin, Founder and President of 3e Restoration, Joe Jackson, Director of the 9th District Juvenile Court Services Unit and Sheri Newcome, York County Dept Director of Community Services. 


4:00 pm – 5:30 pm

Speaker: Dr. Xavier Amador, Phd. (Confirmed)

Author of I Am Not Sick, I Don’t Need Help and teaches the LEAP Method.


Friday, September 17, 2021

7:30 am – 8:45 am Buffet Breakfast

9 am – 10:15 am

Workshop: Fairweather Lodge Outcomes


Ashley Trepp and Outcomes Committee

10:30 am – 11:15 am  

Workshop: Emergency Services (CIT, CITAC)

Colonial Behavioral Health Staff Members

11:15 AM

Conference Summation

CCL Annual Board Meeting